We’re First Bus, part of First Group

We’re passionate about bus travel and are playing an important part in the future of travel across the UK. 


As travel and overall mobility becomes more and more important to community, the environment and government we see a growing and essential demand for safe and reliable travel options. There is no better way to achieve that than to expand bus travel. It’s our mission and an integral part of our culture.

Our drive is to change the industry – beginning with First Bus. Buses are key to helping to achieve net zero, which is why we’re undergoing a major transformation process to support this by creating and developing the infrastructure needed for the bus operations of tomorrow, including:

Using digital real time passenger information to optimise customer experience



Introducing new technologies for demand planning and data generation

Understanding our customers and their changing travel needs



Investing £105 million this year for decarbonisation in our fleet operations

Sharing our ultra-fast charging stations with third parties in our depots



Committing to our first four fully electric depots in 2024 - and a 100% zero emissions fleet by 2035
